SCLT Youth Partner Challenge
If we want children to flourish, to become truly empowered, then let us allow them to love the earth before we ask them to save it.
- David Sobel

The SCLT Youth Partner Challenge encourages youth ages 5-18 and the adults in their lives to appreciate and engage with the land and trails that SCLT aims to protect. This program is funded by a grant from the Saluda Community Fund at the Polk County Community Foundation.
​Join the fun, take the challenge and earn a special SCLT Youth Partner Badge and a framed certificate!
Explore some of the most beautiful trails in or near Saluda on conserved land. Participate in guided Walks in the Woods or complete 7 hikes on your own.
Complete one service project. Contact SCLT for options.​​
Ready to get started? Download your activity log here!
Contact the SCLT Office today to receive your Youth Partner Challenge Passport and a bookmark!
Learn and earn a badge and a certificate!
Help preserve our area by empowering youth to shape its future.
Have fun exploring greenways, gardens and trails!